Setting up a great looking site...well that's one thing. But making sure that your site is in great UX shape and functional is another. We will work with your website vendor to make sure that your site of course looks good, but we want to see from a customer experience. Your site has to be inviting, navigational, NOT clunky, modern, and most important it has to be functional.
YES, there is a lot to this and we understand those aspects of a website. There is a lot of behind the scenes that goes on to manage a website. Taking the time to do a really good Audit of your site is where it all starts. Tedious time consuming Audit..that's what you need to take a step back view of your site and see everything. Every word, every click, every image to make sure that dates are correct, that titles are correct, but not too clunky or SEO spammy. When was the last time that you took a look at your GA events to see what CTA had the most action?
Right, and you see right there is where it all begins.
We will work with your Vendor and push them to make sure that when a customer arrives on your Digital Sales Lot..that you are prepared!!
Right, and you see right there is where it all begins.
We will work with your Vendor and push them to make sure that when a customer arrives on your Digital Sales Lot..that you are prepared!!